18 December 2010

Repeat the Sounding Joy

Hello, friends. I know I said I wouldn't be blogging anymore, but it turns out I just can't help myself. I'm feeling the need to connect in as many ways as I can.

This past year has been a doozy. A series of tests revealed a malignant, early-stage sarcoma in my right shoulder area, which required surgery. The surgery involved the severing of my C5 and C6 nerves, which led to a delicate nerve graft, for which I am still engaging in intensive physical therapy. I endured the extraction of my wisdom teeth, three months of radiation, and four months of chemo. And worst of all, my beloved grandfather passed away.

But all this has not diminished my sense of hopefulness. Because, all things considered, I'm still probably luckier than 99% of people in this world. I have a wonderful husband and amazing family and friends. I have a roof over my head in a vibrant, unique city. I get to make a living doing what I love. And I seem to be keeping all things cancerous at bay. I have a pretty sweet deal, people.

Big thanks to all those who supported me over the past year; I had no idea so much generosity and love was possible. You really outdid yourselves.

And for all this, I look forward to 2011 with joy.

02 March 2010

Happy Bird-day!

Hello, friends. Can you believe Bluebird Works has been in business a full year already?

Many thanks to all the fine-feathered friends who've been so helpful and supportive over the past 365 days. And tweet regards to my fabulous, brilliant clients; working with each one of you was such a pleasure, I almost didn't want you to leave the nest! I'm thrilled for those who have found agents and publishers who love your stories as much as I do, and I'm always happy to offer encouragement and advice to those who haven't found the right match yet.

As for me, I'm slowly recovering from some much-needed shoulder surgery, and hoping for more great clients and projects over the coming year. Also, I'm going to look for ways to find a bit more time to write; I have a few of my own ideas in the works, and I can't wait to get them off the ground. To that end, I'm sorry to say I've officially decided to stop blogging; I will, however, maintain my Twitter feed, @karalareau, so you can keep up with my advice and observations on editing, writing, and life in 140-character installments.

Here's to another year of satisfying work, simple pleasures, and soaring to new heights.

Be well and keep writing!
Kara : )